Monday, September 13, 2010

Rockin' Ring Bearer

I had my second go at ring bearer last weekend. My first ring bearer experience was at my Auntie Annie's wedding. Mommy and Daddy were in that one too, so we don't have any video of that one. I did awesome at her wedding too! Here are some pictures and videos from KJ and Kyle's rehearsal and wedding. Mommy was laughing pretty hard at the rehearsal so the camera work isn't the best, or the clearest. Jaden and I were a bit antsy during the rehearsal so our parents decided we better sit with them during the actual ceremony!

I refused to carry my ring bearer pillow! One of the groomsmen handed it to me when I got up there, but I threw it on the ground! Mommy missed getting that on tape--dang! Jaden and I taking a water break. We tore up the dance floor until after 11! So much fun!

Cake Eater!


Happy 1st Birthday to ME! I had a great party with family and friends. Thank you to everyone that came and celebrated with me.

Everyone got a small cupcake, but I got a big cake all to myself!

Mommy made a banner of pictures to prove that I really am one already!

"Serious???? This cake is really for me???"

"This is FUN! I LOVE cake!"I got cake EVERYWHERE!
Daddy asked Kaden to give me kisses. He was smart to give them to the back of my head!
Kaden wasn't a very neat cupcake eater either!
Oh yes, I even stomped in my cake! Off to the sink for bath #1. I was so messy that I had to go right to the bath after this!
***Note to moms: Get the whipped frosting, not the real stuff. Mommy forgot she got the whipped for Kaden and it was MUCH easier to clean off.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Outside Fun!

We LOVE being outside!

I'm starting to like the grass. I'm still not sure about crawling in it, but I am happy to just sit in it.
Kaden broke his first hockey stick!
Lunch tastes better when it's picnic style at the beach with cousins!
Playing at the beach is fun......
eating sand is not so fun!
Anika loves to give me kisses. Kaden enjoys the beach too, especially when he can play with other kids' sand toys!

We went to a splash park and Kaden ran around saying "no wet!" As you can see from this picture he found ways to have fun AND stay dry!

Our first bike ride was so much fun! We got along great the whole ride. Kaden didn't even say "No Ellis!" when I touched him. The next couple rides weren't as successful. I just can't help but grab Kaden when he's that close to me!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Around the House

We have had a super fun and busy summer so far. Here are some of the things we do in the house when it's either too hot or raining outside.....Ellis teases Stella with toy cars and then chews on them like Stella.
I carry as many cars around as possible to keep them away from Ellis. He always wants the cars I'm playing with.
Ellis plays the drums on daddy's head.

Ellis discovered the drawers open, but they have locks on them so he can't get what's inside.

Ellis watches me out on the deck. Sometimes we give each other five with the door between us.

We cuddle on the chaise with mommy while we watch Cars (my all-time favorite movie).

I could eat watermelon all day long. Apparently Ellis wants some too!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Learning How To.....



SPEAK ENGLISH! (My 1st word is uh-oh)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Having Fun with a Bad Situation

Many of you know about our backyard fiasco. To make a very long story short, we haven't had a backyard to play in yet because it is too wet. The builders tried a couple of things last summer that never worked, so they are trying something new. We are hopeful this is the end and we have a beautiful green yard to play in soon.

Some good things have come because of this mess. Like...........

I got to sit on this "beet onj tacto" Translation=big orange tractor.

And I get to help mommy water the new plants out front. If our yard was normal, our sprinklers would do this for us, but now we have to fill this big orange bucket in the kitchen and haul it outside. I'm going to miss doing this!

Right now we do all our playing in the front yard which is entertaining because they are building more houses down the street. Ellis and I love watching the big trucks drive by.

When all the hard work and playing outside is done, we like to relax and watch a little Cars.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Smarter by the Day!

Kaden can count to 10 all on his own! It first happened on Saturday afternoon. He was having a snack when he decided to give it a try. Mommy had been working on counting to 3 with him, but he thought he'd blow her away and go all the way to 10! He gets a little confused at 4 sometimes, but he quickly recovers. Notice he's always in his booster seat in videos?!?! It's because it's the only place he'll sit still!

I am working on perfecting my drumming skills. I like to drum on anything! I can even drum on command! Here I am drumming on a ball.

Monday, April 26, 2010


I am talking up a storm these days. I can even put 3 words together! Since I'm so good at talking, I thought I'd challenge myself to learn my letters. I'm starting with the letters in my name and I have the k and d down. Here I am playing with my magnetic letters on the frig.Ellis got a new booster seat like mine. He was getting to be a crazy man in the Bumbo chair! He needed to be strapped in somewhere where he couldn't tip over. He loves his booster seat! We also found out he loves the swings at the park.Those of you who don't know my brother well might be wondering why he is always wearing a bib. He spits up........A LOT! I help him out by wiping his face with his bib if I see something on his face.