Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rock and "Roll"

Mommy and Daddy keep telling me I have quite the personality. They finally caught me on tape. Normally, I would stop what I was doing and just stare at the camera, but tonight I was really in the groove. Notice my head shake, clapping, and rolling abilities. I am so fast that Mommy or Daddy can't take their eyes off of me without me getting into something. Some of my favorite places to roll to are under the Christmas tree (the ribbon is really fun!), to Mommy's computer, and to Buddy and his toys. Buddy is Mommy's friends' dog. We are great friends! I think you're really going to enjoy this video!!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Good Lil Helper

Today I helped Mommy with the laundry. I pretty much did all the work while she took pictures of me! My favorite blankie was in there and it was sooooooo warm. My favorite part of helping fold the clothes was playing with the empty laundry basket. I also had fun falling back on a big, soft pile of folded clothes.

YAY! There's my blankie! I'm gonna get it!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Shout Out to Montana

My great auntie Marti gave me these cool cowboy boots. They are awesome and make me think of my grandma, grandpa, and auntie in Montana. I hope I get to go visit there soon. I will fit in perfectly! The bottoms of my boots even say Montana! Get those horses ready cuz I am ready to go for a ride!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

So Long Toys......Hello Electronics!

My favorite toys are things that aren't really my toys. Cell phones are probably my absolute favorite with computers and remotes coming in a close second. When I'm lucky, I get to play with these things, but only for a short time. I never get to play with them as long as Mommy and Daddy do. Lately, I have gotten really good on the computer. I learned how to restart it, make things pop up on the screen, and I even got the letter "A" to come off the keyboard!!!!! Mommy got a little uptight about it, but she was able to snap it back on.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One Puff at a Time

Now that I am wheezing, I have a puffer. I don't really know how to work one on my own, so the doctor gave me a little mask to help. Mommy and Daddy call it my Baby Bong (whatever that means)! My favorite part of the medicine is the rubber mask that I get to chew on after I take a puff. It's hard for me to wait until after the puff to chew on the mask. Sometimes Daddy has to hold my hands down while Mommy holds the mask up to my face.

Monday, December 8, 2008


I have been getting kisses since the minute I was born and now I am learning how to give kisses, well kinda. I can't quite pucker my lips like the grown-ups, so instead I open my mouth wide! I also think it's pretty funny when Mommy or Daddy look at me, pucker their lips, and make the kissing sound. Here is some video of me giving some kisses to Mommy.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hope to be smiling again soon..........

The past few days have been a little rough. I have a bad cold and just can't stop coughing. I am a little fussier than normal, but Mommy and Daddy think I am doing really good for feeling so crappy. I have a huge, awesome smile that hasn't been shining so bright lately. Here are some pictures of what I hope to be back to very soon!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Finger Food!

I had my first try at finger foods a couple weeks ago. Since it was my first try, I was a bit uncoordinated. I was really good at getting them in my fist, but then all I could get in my mouth was my fist, not the yummy sweet potato puff. I was (and still am) really good at throwing them on the floor. I've pretty much mastered picking them up with my thumb and pointer now. I sometimes still miss my mouth and it sticks to my chin or cheek. Mommy and Daddy sure like to watch me eat these things! This first picture is me trying to pick up a piece of banana. That was NOT happening. It was WAY TOO SLIPPERY!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bare it All

I love to hang out in just my diaper. I'd prefer to get rid of that too, but Mommy and Daddy are only that daring around bath time. Thank goodness for heat because I know I'd never get to strip down in this 9 degree weather without it!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lil Mohawk Man

I have a new hair-do. Mommy was playing with my hair in the bath and gave me a mohawk. I went to bed with it, and when I woke up it was still there! Daddy LOVES it and says I should wear it everyday. I have to agree that I look pretty cool.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Try and Try Again

I love my booster seat. It has this really cool green lid, but I'm not so sure what it's for. So..... I just rip it off. The first thing I do when I sit down is get a good grip on it and pull with all my might. Sometimes, I don't get it on my first try and I get a little frustrated. I yell at it and try, try again. Once I get it off, it makes a great teething toy. I can only hold it for a little while before I drop it on the floor. Then it's time to eat my breakfast, lunch, or dinner depending on the time of day.

Here I am live, showing off my muscles.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Buh Bye!

The time has come for me to get a new, bigger car seat. Yes, that's right, I have out grown my infant car seat! The new one should arrive in the morning and boy am I going to be happy to have more room. The thought of this makes Mommy very sad. She says her baby is growing up too fast, but I know she loves me more and more everyday. I hope I took my last ride in this car seat today. It's a little snug, especially with a winter coat on! Oh, did I tell you I saw snow on the ground this morning? It didn't last long before it melted, but Mommy assured me I will get to see LOTS more very soon!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

These are Going to Take Some Getting Used To

I love sweet potatoes and bananas, so why do I have to eat anything else? Mommy tried to feed me green beans today....YUCK! I did all I could to get rid of them. I spit them out, gaged, reached in with my fingers and smeared them all over my face, and then locked my lips. I only allowed 2 bites in my mouth and NONE went into my tummy! Mommy tried to fool me and mixed them with sweet potatoes, but I didn't fall for that. Then she gave me some bananas and tried to sneak in a bite of green beans/sweet potatoes, but she couldn't trick me. I suppose she'll keep trying. She's stubborn like that! Daddy needs to hurry home from his work trip to help me!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

6 Month Photo Shoot

Mommy's friend, Megan, came and took my 6 month pictures. She sure took a lot of pictures! Mommy says all 203 are her favorites! Here are just a few as I couldn't stay awake to post them all. I recently had my 6 month check-up and shots (ouch). The doctor called me "a giant among babies." I am OFF THE CHARTS for height! Who do you think I get that from? With a 6' 4" Daddy, I am bound to be tall.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Mommy and Daddy took me to my first WILD game last night. There was a lot of noise, people, lights and action and I LOVED IT! It was like watching TV without Mommy trying to stop me from watching! Thanks to Mommy's friend, Jenny, I was able to be a super fan in my new jersey!! I took a little nap half way through, but woke up for the last 10 minutes. I made a lot of people around me laugh because I was so happy and smiley!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Just Sitting and Playing

I can pretty much sit on my own these days. If I sat still, I could sit all day long, but sometimes I get too excited and start rocking and I fall right over. I don't understand how to get up once I fall. Sometimes I fall back, which is ok because I have that pillow to lay on. Other times I fall to the side and slowly roll onto my tummy. And there are other times when I lean forward too much and do a nose dive. Here is a video of me sitting and playing. Notice I don't fall at all!! I'm getting so good at this!

On My Own Time

Mommy and Daddy have been waiting for me to roll over again. I did it once when I was 3 months old, but haven't had the desire to do it again. It's probably because I used to throw a total fit anytime they tried to lay me on my tummy! Well, now I don't mind my tummy so much and when I get tired of it, I just roll over. If I would have known this would make mommy so happy, I would have done it earlier! She caught me on video. Check me out!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I went to the pumpkin patch with my friend, Avery, and her parents. We had so much fun! Not only did we see pumpkins, but we saw an apple orchard, chicken, cows and goats too. I even got to help pick apples. I had so much fun at my first pumpkin patch and apple orchard! It was a beautiful day to be outside.