We have been thinking really hard about what to do about this blog now that I (Ellis) have joined the family. We have decided that we will keep it as is and Kaden and I will take turns writing. Mommy wanted to keep everything in one place and not make things more complicated for herself or others. Time is very limited around here these days! Here are a few pictures of what's been going on around here since I graced everyone with my presence!
Do you think we look anything alike? It's hard to tell because Kaden had so much hair!

Kaden is waaaaaay too busy to sit still for pictures with me!
Can you find Kaden in the picture above?
Definitely tough to tell if they look alike, but at first glance I see more mama in Kaden and more daddy in Ellis. They're both beyond adorable, of course! Love to see these new pictures and how Ellis is growing already.
I'm also trying to figure out how I'll change the name of my blog address but still have my old address go to the new blog (did that make any sense?)- I'll let you know if/when I figure that out. :)
Hi Kaden,
I am soooo excited that you are a big brother!!! You are going to be the BEST big brother ever! Ellis is very blessed to have you as his very own. Does Ellis have cute little toesies like you have? Can I smooch his little toesies? You know how I love your little toesies. I am so thankful that Ellis is here and that everything is going well. God is so faithful to answer our prayers...yeah God!!! I can't wait to see you and smooch you!!! Tell your mommy and daddy hi and that we send big hugs from our house to yours. Give Stella a big smooch too. :+0
Hugs to you my darling little man!!!
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