Ellis is a good little brother. I've been told to be "nice" and "gentle" A LOT since he's been here. I like to look at him and smile. I can even give him kisses! It's been hard for Mommy to get pictures of us together. I'm not so good at sitting still these days and I just want to grab Ellis! Here are a few pictures of us.

Awww, the pictures are precious. They're going to have such a special bond, and they don't even know it yet! Wish we were closer and could meet Ellis, but keep the pictures coming! xoxo
(So do you need a new blog name now, or does Kaden get to keep his own blog?)
Congrats Sarah! Two cutie boys...How sweet!
Congrats on another beautiful baby! Glad to hear things are going well. We wish you the best of luck with baby #2!!
Danny, Emily and Nolan
ok, Kaden, I can not figure out your crazy blog site for leaving comments...this is the 4th time I have left one for you and it never comes up for you...am I such an old great auntie that I can not figure this stuff out...anyway...here goes my little man...I will try again.
I am so thrilled for Ellis to have you as a big brother!!! He is blessed and so are you!! You will be the best big brother ever! Does Ellis have cute little toesies like yours :+) and can I smooch his too?!? You know how I love your little toesies!!! We are so thankful that everything is going well and thanking God for His answered prayers!!! Yeah God!!! Can't wait to see you guys and can't wait to smooch yours and Ellis's toesies :+) Hugs and smooches to your mommy and daddy and Stella too. ttfn (that is what Tigger says...ta ta for now) :+)I love Tigger and Pooh too.
Blessings to all of you,
Great Auntie Kay-O-Bear and Co. (that would be Brad, Daniel and Rachel)
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