Monday, September 13, 2010


Happy 1st Birthday to ME! I had a great party with family and friends. Thank you to everyone that came and celebrated with me.

Everyone got a small cupcake, but I got a big cake all to myself!

Mommy made a banner of pictures to prove that I really am one already!

"Serious???? This cake is really for me???"

"This is FUN! I LOVE cake!"I got cake EVERYWHERE!
Daddy asked Kaden to give me kisses. He was smart to give them to the back of my head!
Kaden wasn't a very neat cupcake eater either!
Oh yes, I even stomped in my cake! Off to the sink for bath #1. I was so messy that I had to go right to the bath after this!
***Note to moms: Get the whipped frosting, not the real stuff. Mommy forgot she got the whipped for Kaden and it was MUCH easier to clean off.


Marto Family said...

Looks like he had a great birthday! Love the banner. What a great idea. It's so sad how fast the time goes. They both are so darn cute. And Kaden is such a smart boy, who wants frosting all over them?! LOL

nora jennifer + elliot mckinley said...

It's been wayyyy too long since I've checked this!! Such great pics from E's big birthday! And Kaden is practically a pro ring bearer now:) Love it! xo