As many of you know, I have yet to walk on my own yet. I love walking while holding onto people or things, but letting go has been a big deal for me. Check out this video of me from last night. I was loving walking to daddy from the coffee table!
Gods Indescribable Peace
3 weeks ago
YAY!!! So glad he is walking on his own! What a big boy your are! I'm still working on sitting up by myself-i'm doing pretty good. I can sit up now for about a minute or so. Keep practicing so you can walk lots before your baby brother gets here!
Look at him GO! YAY, Kaden!! Jonathan and I both seriously LOL'd at his little acrobatic move/nosedive. What a tough dude!
Wow, so neat to see him walking. They change so quickly.
I seriously think that Kaden could be a baby model. What a big boy! You are going to be one busy mom when he gets going!
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