WOW! I can't believe it's March! I didn't even blog once in February (must be because it's a short month!). Anyways, this has been a busy month. Here are some of the milestones from this past month.

1. I CAN CRAWL! It started with an army/worm type crawl that evolved into full fledged crawling! Here is a video of my skills.
2. I am loving my new house! There is so much room for me to crawl around. One of my favorite things to do is bang toys on the hard wood floors. Daddy says they are going to have to be refinished sooner than he thought--oops. I tell him just wait for Stella to get her claws on them!
PS: The garage doors will be painted this spring to match the front door.
3. I eat anything and EVERYTHING! Sometimes I get mad if Mommy or Daddy try help me. I want to do it by myself. I have also mastered the sippy cup!
4. I had 4 nights of poop-splosions in a row! This was a first and Mommy and Daddy are hoping a LAST! Not so sure why they say it wasn't fun, everyone was laughing pretty hard, including me. AND I got early baths each night, bonus!
5. I am really proud of myself and I show this by clapping for myself. All it takes is for someone to say "Yay, Kaden!" "Way to go, Kaden" or "Patty cake" and I smile and clap!
6. I am going to be a BIG BROTHER! I have actually known this for awhile, but Mommy and Daddy said I can finally tell people. I wasn't too excited at first (as you can see in this picture), but everyone else sure is, so I'm working on it!
YAY! I've been stalking your blog daily wondering when you'd post this!! Love all the updates, the new home is gorgeous (can't wait to see it!) and so neat that Kaden is crawling! And of course- YAY for another super adorable Martin bambino! :)
Congrats to the Martins! Things look like they are going so well and how exciting about the new baby!
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