Gods Indescribable Peace
2 weeks ago
A "soooooo big" done in Kaden style with an "O" face!!
Mommy and Daddy also put up this gate to keep me from wandering into the bathroom, den or up the stairs. So far, I think it's kinda fun!
Have I told you how much I LOVE the bath???? I love it so much, I do a happy dance before I get in! Here it is...............
PS: The garage doors will be painted this spring to match the front door.
3. I eat anything and EVERYTHING! Sometimes I get mad if Mommy or Daddy try help me. I want to do it by myself. I have also mastered the sippy cup!
5. I am really proud of myself and I show this by clapping for myself. All it takes is for someone to say "Yay, Kaden!" "Way to go, Kaden" or "Patty cake" and I smile and clap!