I am so blessed to not only have 2 grandmas and 2 grandpas, but 4 GREAT grandmas and 2 GREAT grandpas as well! I love spending time with them and making them laugh. I got to see most of them for Christmas. I missed the Lindgrens who are down in Arizona for the winter. I love you all and miss you when I'm not with you!

Great Grandma Joan Larson
Great Grandparents Sergio & Eleanor Gambucci
Great Grandma Fran Graalum (aka Granny Coo Coo)
Great Grandparents Don & Jolly Lindgren
Picture taken before they left for AZ for the winter
Was your great grandad Jolly the Map-maker. If so, I'm trying to find out about how to possibly use his map of Death Valley in a book I'm doing on California. Could you send me an email to gary at enlightphoto dot com? TIA.
Is that "THE" Jolly Lindgren of artist/illustrator fame? Please let me know. I'm a huge fan of his decals and maps!
No, I'm sorry you have the wrong Lindgren.
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