Thursday, July 22, 2010

Outside Fun!

We LOVE being outside!

I'm starting to like the grass. I'm still not sure about crawling in it, but I am happy to just sit in it.
Kaden broke his first hockey stick!
Lunch tastes better when it's picnic style at the beach with cousins!
Playing at the beach is fun......
eating sand is not so fun!
Anika loves to give me kisses. Kaden enjoys the beach too, especially when he can play with other kids' sand toys!

We went to a splash park and Kaden ran around saying "no wet!" As you can see from this picture he found ways to have fun AND stay dry!

Our first bike ride was so much fun! We got along great the whole ride. Kaden didn't even say "No Ellis!" when I touched him. The next couple rides weren't as successful. I just can't help but grab Kaden when he's that close to me!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Around the House

We have had a super fun and busy summer so far. Here are some of the things we do in the house when it's either too hot or raining outside.....Ellis teases Stella with toy cars and then chews on them like Stella.
I carry as many cars around as possible to keep them away from Ellis. He always wants the cars I'm playing with.
Ellis plays the drums on daddy's head.

Ellis discovered the drawers open, but they have locks on them so he can't get what's inside.

Ellis watches me out on the deck. Sometimes we give each other five with the door between us.

We cuddle on the chaise with mommy while we watch Cars (my all-time favorite movie).

I could eat watermelon all day long. Apparently Ellis wants some too!