Friday, November 21, 2008

Bare it All

I love to hang out in just my diaper. I'd prefer to get rid of that too, but Mommy and Daddy are only that daring around bath time. Thank goodness for heat because I know I'd never get to strip down in this 9 degree weather without it!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lil Mohawk Man

I have a new hair-do. Mommy was playing with my hair in the bath and gave me a mohawk. I went to bed with it, and when I woke up it was still there! Daddy LOVES it and says I should wear it everyday. I have to agree that I look pretty cool.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Try and Try Again

I love my booster seat. It has this really cool green lid, but I'm not so sure what it's for. So..... I just rip it off. The first thing I do when I sit down is get a good grip on it and pull with all my might. Sometimes, I don't get it on my first try and I get a little frustrated. I yell at it and try, try again. Once I get it off, it makes a great teething toy. I can only hold it for a little while before I drop it on the floor. Then it's time to eat my breakfast, lunch, or dinner depending on the time of day.

Here I am live, showing off my muscles.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Buh Bye!

The time has come for me to get a new, bigger car seat. Yes, that's right, I have out grown my infant car seat! The new one should arrive in the morning and boy am I going to be happy to have more room. The thought of this makes Mommy very sad. She says her baby is growing up too fast, but I know she loves me more and more everyday. I hope I took my last ride in this car seat today. It's a little snug, especially with a winter coat on! Oh, did I tell you I saw snow on the ground this morning? It didn't last long before it melted, but Mommy assured me I will get to see LOTS more very soon!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

These are Going to Take Some Getting Used To

I love sweet potatoes and bananas, so why do I have to eat anything else? Mommy tried to feed me green beans today....YUCK! I did all I could to get rid of them. I spit them out, gaged, reached in with my fingers and smeared them all over my face, and then locked my lips. I only allowed 2 bites in my mouth and NONE went into my tummy! Mommy tried to fool me and mixed them with sweet potatoes, but I didn't fall for that. Then she gave me some bananas and tried to sneak in a bite of green beans/sweet potatoes, but she couldn't trick me. I suppose she'll keep trying. She's stubborn like that! Daddy needs to hurry home from his work trip to help me!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

6 Month Photo Shoot

Mommy's friend, Megan, came and took my 6 month pictures. She sure took a lot of pictures! Mommy says all 203 are her favorites! Here are just a few as I couldn't stay awake to post them all. I recently had my 6 month check-up and shots (ouch). The doctor called me "a giant among babies." I am OFF THE CHARTS for height! Who do you think I get that from? With a 6' 4" Daddy, I am bound to be tall.