The doctor said now that I am 4 months old, Mommy and Daddy should give me rice cereal. They keep trying, but I keep spitting it out! I have learned that if I close my lips really tight they can't get any in there. And if they keep trying, I scream really loud until they take me out of that chair and feed me the good stuff. Mommy says she'll keep trying like the doctor said, but it's not fun for anyone! All I know is I am NOT a fan of rice cereal!!
All of a sudden, I seem to have a lot to say! I love to talk, talk, talk even when no one is listening. Mommy and Daddy say they love my sweet sounds and usually stop whatever they are doing and listen to me!
I'm four months old now and I'm so happy mommy finally has my blog up and running. It's taken her awhile to get with it, but she promises to keep up with it. I am growing so fast! Here are some pictures of me from newborn to four months to prove it. Besides getting bigger, I have also lost almost all of my hair! What's with that??? Everyone keeps telling me it will grow back though so I guess I shouldn't worry.